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The Answers to a Teenager's Most Important Questions

Teenagers have LOTS of questions! They have questions about everything. It is easy to understand why - they are blank slates! The only way for a teenager to find out how the adult world works is to ask lots of questions.

I believe that 99% of teenagers are good people who will make good decisions if they are provided with good information. The purpose of The Teenager's Guide to the Real World is to provide good information - to give teenagers the right answers to their hundreds of questions. Here are 73 common questions that The Teenager's Guide to the Real World provides good answers for:

  1. Why are my parents on my case all the time?
  2. Why are my parents always so worried about homework and school and college all the time?
  3. And why are they always so hung up on money? It seems like all adults ever talk about is money, jobs, taxes, and so on. Who cares?
  4. Why does everyone care "what I want to be when I grow up?" What difference does it make?
  5. What DO I want to be when I grow up? How do I figure that out?
  6. What is happiness?
  7. Why am I miserable?
  8. What is depression? Am I unhappy or depressed?
  9. Why do I feel so stupid?
  10. Why do adults treat me like a kid?
  11. Why don't adults listen to what I say?
  12. How can I get people to like me?
  13. Why do girls (boys) hate me?
  14. Why do I feel so awkward around girls (boys)?
  15. Why is it that I think about girls (boys) all the time, despite the fact that I would rather not?
  16. Why does it hurt so much?
  17. Why does it seem like a lot of people don't have these problems? Why does it seem like they are able to walk up to girls (boys), talk to them and the next minute they are going out together and having a really great time? Why are a lot of those people athletes?
  18. Why are pretty girls (handsome boys) like they are?
  19. Why do a lot of girls (boys) seem attracted to guys who are obviously idiots and who treat them badly? I would treat a girl (boys) great, but that seems to make no difference. Why?
  20. What is jealousy, and why do I get so angry about it?
  21. Will I ever find someone who I can marry?
  22. When?
  23. Why can't it be now?
  24. How will I know when I have found the girl (boys) I should marry?
  25. Now that I think about it, what is marriage again?
  26. Why do we have marriage?
  27. Why don't we all just go around having sex with whoever we feel like all the time?
  28. For that matter, what is love? I mean, what the heck is going on here to begin with?
  29. Why does it seem like adults don't have these problems?
  30. Why do my parents say they are "in love," but it looks so different from what I mean when I say I am "in love"?
  31. In other words, why does their love seem so boring, why do they have fights and why do they never hold hands?
  32. Who am I?
  33. What am I doing here?
  34. What is the meaning of life?
  35. Why do my parents make me wear "nice clothes" and go to stupid things like weddings?
  36. How can I be more confident?
  37. How can I learn to like myself?
  38. How can I learn to "be myself"? To "find myself"?
  39. Being a teenager sucks! When will I be an adult?
  40. Why do my parents care what I wear to school?
  41. Why should I be good or honest? Nice guys always finish last, don't they?
  42. What is right and wrong?
  43. In a given situation, how am I supposed to know what is right or wrong?
  44. Why should I be honest when everyone else is lying?
  45. How can I get what I want?
  46. How can I get my parents to listen to me?
  47. Why are some people rich and some people poor?
  48. Will I be poor?
  49. Why is life so unfair?
  50. Why do people die?
  51. What's wrong with smoking a little marijuana or taking a little cocaine?
  52. What is an adult perspective? How come adults seem to have all the answers and sound so smooth?
  53. What do I do when things seem hopeless?
  54. Why does everything look so easy for some people?
  55. Why am I angry all the time?
  56. How can I control my anger?
  57. Why do some adults blow up, but some seem so calm?
  58. Why are some people so successful?
  59. My parents are always talking about insurance, credit cards, credit ratings, mutual funds, IRAs, 401(k) accounts, etc. What is all this stuff? Why do they care about it?
  60. Why are my parents so tight with money?
  61. Why can't I have a new pair of $200 shoes or a $400 prom dress?
  62. Why do my parents make me clean my room?
  63. Why do my parents make me put things away?
  64. Why do my parents listen to such stupid music?
  65. Why do my parents care if I have sex as a teenager?
  66. Why won't my parents let me watch TV all day long?
  67. Why do my parents treat me like a child?
  68. Why do my parents care if I do my homework?
  69. Why do my parents make me do chores?
  70. Why do my parents and I fight constantly?
  71. Why are there so many laws and rules?
  72. Why do police bug teenagers?
  73. Should I start smoking?

The Teenager's Guide to the Real World answers all of these questions in terms teenagers can understand and apply immediately to their own lives. Imagine handing this powerful book to a teenager. Imagine giving teenagers the right answers to these important questions!

You can order your copy of The Teenager's Guide to the Real World direct from the publisher. The cost is $19.95. When you order direct from BYG Publishing you get three big advantages:

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To order your copy of the book, call (888) 294-7821 or Click Here for more information.

Think about what you have read here. The Teenager's Guide to the Real World will help every teenager to truly understand how the world works and show him or her what it takes to really succeed in today's society. Take the time now to order this important book, and start gaining its benefits today.

To order your copy of the book, call (888) 294-7821 or Click Here for more information.

To view extensive Chapter Excerpts from The Teenager's Guide to the Real World click on any of the chapter titles below:

  • Table of Contents
  • Chapter 0: You Get to Design Your Life
    Teenagers are in a position of incredible power when they ask themselves questions like, "Who am I?" and "Who do I want to become?" This chapter discusses the incredible range of options available to teenagers.
  • Chapter 1: Money Really Matters
    This chapter helps teenagers to see and really understand why education and jobs are so important. It explains the reality of money from an adult perspective and shows how much money it really takes to live a normal life in America.
  • Chapter 6: Education is One Key to a Good Job
    Education is one key to a good job. In today’s job market what you know determines what you earn. This chapter shows teenagers things they can do as teenagers to educate themselves in the things they enjoy doing.
  • Chapter 10: Relationships Are Random
    This chapter helps teenagers understand the world of relationships so they don't feel so uncomfortable.
  • Chapter 12: Marriage is Forever
    In our society marriage is the structure people use to create a stable family unit. A man and woman marry with the intention of staying together for life. This chapter explains to teenagers what marriage is really about and what it means to be married for life.
  • Chapter 13: Teenage Sex is an Option
    This chapter helps teenagers see both sides of the "teenage sex" question and gives them the information they need to make intelligent choices.
  • Chapter 18: Virtue Triumphs Over Evil
    This chapter explains "right" and "wrong" and shows teenagers how to build a moral framework for their actions. This is the most important chapter in the book.
  • Chapter 35: Laws, Lawyers and Police
    The most frustrating things in the world to many teenagers are all the rules, laws and restrictions that seem to impose limits on everybody. A teenager is faced with a wide variety of limitations. This chapter explains where they all come from and why they are important.

What you will notice in the chapter excerpts is that the book talks in a natural, conversational tone about topics that teenagers think about every day. This book gives a teenager the information he or she needs to make intelligent and responsible decisions, and to begin the process of becoming an adult. The book contains the secrets to success. This book has changed thousands of lives. Order your copy today and start down the right road to a successful and responsible adulthood!

To order your copy of the book, call (888) 294-7821 or Click Here for more information.

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